God declared His creation as good not perfect and mankind as an image of God not as a god.

Perfection is within the realm of God only as the ultimate state of existence and state being as 

" I  AM that I AM " .

Altruism and Agape love find its balance in compassion ,it seems only when empathy cannot sustain itself without destruction of  the host.  .

An omniscient God, knowing both good and evil cannot be divided against himself but a balance is maintained in heaven and earth through His Logos ( Holy Spirit ) , ( the cause and logic ) , ( energy ) the beginning and the end is His domain



Man and nature must share a small portion this as His creation. The whole universe must be held in balance as a neutral force between opposite forces of energy. Thus it is deduced that  " energy cannot be created nor destroyed " Therefore a symbiotic relationship must be maintained as efficiently as possible.


( such as addiction ) when the natural animal functions of survival overwhelm any discernment of good vs evil but even lowliest of natural cellular makeup avoid self destruction or any other destructive forces. Self destructive forces are considered here as a definition of evil whereas all else is destroyed in pursuit of elusive desire which originates only in the mind or hostile cells of invading forces; 

 EVIL IS THEREFORE ULTIMATLY SELF DESTRUCTIVE as mankind can be destructive through his own works or his fellow man's " MADNESS " 

 ( Mutually Assured Destruction ), ( M.A.D,.) ; An official acronym for a " peace " treaty. If anything need be spelled out for you, this is it.


     " Self love " and " self consciousness "  ( Ego ) can be a double edged sword !  and swing from self improvement to self destructive behavior almost without awareness , " There is a way that seems good to man but is evil " ( rationalization ) . Self awareness must entail a balance spiritually . I believe this has been a gradual understanding or  " revelation " of the Arch Angel Michaele between survival and excessive desire .This is the wisdom within the Logos  and can only become manifest as a " Free Spirit Angel " of GOD and an original faithful  " Elohim "  who has a much better understanding of The " Logos " ,the Word and the  Christ.  

      A " TRINITY " of forces takes more significance ,whereas." A three fold cord is not easily broken "  and  the number  3 cannot be divided ( except when the symbol for infinity is used in a 3 or 4 dimensional world ) .WE must always return to unity  where infinity = 1 , and the observed = the observer or the " self " where " what you see is what you get " . GOD is infinite and eternal  !  The observer is not and knows not his beginning nor his end . Man  may think he is but where does the thought itself come from . Mans image of himself seems distorted ! 


.     .Man is more beast like than one would care to admit but he rationalizes good from evil as  best suits his own sense of self worth at the expense of all else and pursues his own particular elusive desire to become as God. ( SIN ) or a psychopaths' megalomania. 

  Man therefore, has the dual nature of man and beast. " ( a moral and natural animal ) . 

      The original sin "  was to try to become as God, reflected by a new consciousness of his part in the " natural selection "  within opposing forces including life and death and the ensuing struggles to become              immortal . ( the symbolic eating of the " fruit " was a symbolic, genetic altering, hallucinating event { such        as the Lotus :" tree ".plant or fruit } ) in man's  development )  and man entered the natural " wilderness of      the beast .

    freedom and liberty now become relativistic choices ( free will ) in the pursuit of happiness in a  democracy of individuals who cannot agree on what is best.. Therefore judges ,rulers or leaders ( Elohim of this world )          are appointed to decided in a rule of law  often in a republic or dictatorship , so choice often becomes a          dilemma . This is reinforced by the spiritual leaders of the realm. ( scribes and pharoses ) to unite the              common man.

      Mankind often does not have the " wisdom to know the difference " in his " knowledge of good and evil "      .   or becomes to selfish to care .It is not always simple to discern . That is where faith and balance with an        element of Holy Spirit  ( Logos ) is required .

Without faith and grace  An Anocracy of  an alliance of Oligarchs become a  substitute 

 " Philosopher King "  and a false prophet "  messiah in order to isolate themselves with MAD ( mutually assured destruction )  " peace " treaties  in order to avoid the greedy, self destructive evilness of their schemes to become as gods of this world . Many seek to clothe themselves with a robe of 

righteousness and pray to have a form of immortality in the shade of the symbolic tree of life.

Thee must be a reason why, from ancient primitive tribal superstitions of spiritual entities to gods for everything they cannot control nor understand, it persists in human nature up to man creating God in his own image.